As a higher learning institution, CPSU underscores the vital role of the youth, its personnel and other stakeholders in the elimination of violence against women (VAW) through awareness-raising about gender-based violence, women empowerment and establishment of a strong link with the community.
Working towards this direction, the Office of Student Services and Affairs (OSSA), in collaboration with the Supreme Student Government Student (SSG), and the Gender and Development (GAD) Office sponsored the virtual convocation on EVAW Campaign last December 14, 2021 with focus on Safe Space Act, Anti-hazing Law and Cyber-bullying.
The resource speaker, Prosecutor June Ann Q. Bernal of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Kabankalan City, shed light on the said topic anchoring it from RA 11313 known as the “anti-bastos law,” which covers the schools, sports and training environment. She further explained on gender-based streets and public space sexual harassment, as well as their corresponding liabilities. She continued her talk on the topic, Cyber-crime and cyber-bullying as stated in RA 10175 and their equivalent penalty.
An open forum followed right after where Prosecutor Bernal answered students’ queries and explained the importance of putting in place policies of the institution on gender-based violence. Responding to this, OSSA dean Dr. Pilipinas Ma. Jareño informed all the virtual participants that the University student handbook, duly approved by the BOR, already contained a clear policy on the said subject with corresponding sanctions to guilty offenders.
The program was continued with the launching of The Macho Choir Video challenge, a tiktok contest initiated by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) to showcase everyone’s share of the advocacy by spreading awareness of the Safe Spaces Act and sending a powerful message that Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) should never be normalized but rather must be prevented.
The afternoon session of the program was the intended for the virtual solidarity activity of all CPSU student organizations, followed by the oath-taking of newly elected officers, orientation for student organizations, awarding of certificates of recognition, and the presentation of accomplishments.
By: J.A. Emoy