CPSU's mantra had always been grounded on producing quality graduates that could give them the edge as they embark on their journey as young professionals by passing their licensure examination. Recently, the University welcomed with pride the four (4) newly licensed Agriculturists who passed the Licensure Examination for Agriculturists (LEA) held last November 9-11, 2021 at Iloilo City. They were Orvin Jay G. Malan, Razel G. Ibañez, Michelle B. Ravina and Armie Sheila T. Calago.
Aside from them, another four (4) passers of the Licensure Examination for Chemical Technicians (LECT) namely, Ruben B. Lachica Jr., Anna May A. Balidio, Janice T. Cadiente and Rhona G. Estorninos, were also congratulated for their successful examination held last October 29, 2021 at Iloilo City.
With this celebrated victory, the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) commended their effort and perseverance in achieving such milestone.
In an exclusive interview with Ma'am Maryvic Pedrosa, one of the core faculty of the department, she stated how such achievement had given pride both to their parents and their alma mater.
"The graduates put in the effort and time to prepare for their exams. Despite the struggles brought by COVID-19 they still faced the examination with optimism bringing with them the knowledge they have cultivated," Ma'am Pedrosa added.
She likewise left a message of inspiration to the future examinees saying, "To the future takers, I hope that you would study your lessons well and treasure all the teachings that the University has provided. They will serve as your best weapons together with your effort, prayers and will."
As Cenphilians, it should be each one’s passion to strive for the achievement of their dreams coupled with hard work, dedication and faith in oneself to achieve such goals, for themselves, their believers and the University.
By: S. Ermeo, BSA 4 - The Cenphilian Publication